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Image by Martin Sepion
Future is Forest


Carbon Credits or Carbon Offsets


Pollution and emission of Carbon and other harmful gasses in our environment is rapidly increasing day by day. To balance these gases we provide carbon credits by planting forests in different locations around the globe for our clients who need carbon credits. Future Forest is responsible for selection of land parcel, type of trees to make forest denser according to local conditions and we responsibly take care of its management and certifications. 


We take care of market frauds like cutting off trees after getting carbon credits. Currently we have following countries to offer carbon credits.






Image by Marcin Jozwiak

Carbon Credits

Carbon credits are a highly regulated medium of exchange used to 'offset', or neutralize, carbon dioxide emissions. A single carbon credit generally represents the right to emit one metric ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent mass of another greenhouse gas.

How it works

Big companies make emission in order to provide us products and services. This emission is in form for gasses like Carbon, Methane and lot more. In order to neutralize it they spend money for absorption of carbon around the world.

Thats how Carbon Offset work.


Image source:

Image by Chris Abney

Help us in making Earth Carbon Neutral.

Write us for more details!

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